Signs you need to implement mobile test automation


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In today’s fast-paced business environment, businesses need quicker releases and superior apps to stay competitive. The evolving applications of Industry 4.0 and modern devices call for more efficient testing methods than manual testing alone. Mobile automation testing has revolutionized software engineering, allowing QA teams to expand test coverage, improve productivity, and execute more tests in less time. In this article, we will discuss the critical signs indicating that your organization should implement mobile test automation using a mobile automation testing framework.

What are the signs that your team needs to implement test automation?

Fewer changes in mobile app release versions

Mobile apps often go through multiple release versions before reaching their final, fully functional state. But if your app undergoes minimal changes, has too many features, or is simply too large, tests can become repetitive, requiring the same mobile automation testing framework or techniques on subsequent release versions. In these cases, investing in mobile test automation can save both time and money.

Test automation can help reduce the time spent on redundant tests, allowing QA teams to focus on new features and more complex testing scenarios. By automating repetitive tests, you can ensure that your app remains stable and functional even as new features are added or existing ones are modified.

Are your mobile testing cycles becoming longer day by day?

Adopting mobile test automation can be an effective solution if your test cycles are continually extending, impacting your project delivery schedule. Prolonged test cycles often indicate an excessive amount of time spent on repetitive tasks. As the owner or developer of a mobile application, it is crucial to meet project deadlines to stay ahead of the competition in the market.

Over time, test cycles can become more demanding and taxing on testers. Mobile test automation can alleviate this burden by streamlining the testing process and ensuring timely delivery of project milestones. By investing in automation, you can intelligently manage project expenses, even though the initial costs might be higher. Mobile test automation, in the long run, provides a substantial return on investment.

Consider a project that requires 24 hours of testing. If a tester works eight hours a day, it would take three days to complete the testing. However, with automation, testing can continue around the clock, allowing for the possibility of completing the process within a single day. This advantage of continuous testing is especially beneficial when human intervention is no longer required.

Mobile test automation can be integrated into test cycles to automate specific, repeatable test cases that don’t necessitate human involvement. By leveraging automation to manage a portion of your test cycles, project deliverables can be achieved more promptly, and test cycle durations can be reduced by up to 98%. This ultimately leads to more efficient testing processes and faster time-to-market for your mobile application.

Rising costs of in-house device labs

As your mobile application gains market share, testers must handle more testing responsibilities. Mobile test automation can eliminate the need for additional testing equipment and personnel. Cloud-based mobile test automation platforms can address these challenges effectively.

Cloud-based testing platforms enable you to access a wide range of devices and browsers without the need for a physical lab. This can significantly reduce the costs associated with maintaining an in-house device lab, as well as the costs of hiring additional testers to manage the increased workload.

Over Reliance on simulators and emulators

Testing mobile applications on simulators and emulators may not uncover all issues that real-world users encounter. Using a mobile automation testing platform that provides access to real devices for testing can improve testing accuracy and efficiency.

By using real devices for testing, you can ensure that your app will perform as expected when used by actual users. Automated testing on real devices can help identify issues that may not be apparent when using simulators or emulators, leading to a more robust and reliable app.

Delays in detecting faults

Regardless of testing efforts, apps inevitably contain bugs and flaws. Identifying and addressing these issues early on saves time and money. Mobile automation testing can help detect potential problems much faster than manual testing, especially when integrated with continuous integration processes.

By running automated tests after each update, you can quickly identify issues and address them before they become more difficult and costly to fix. This approach not only saves time and money but also helps ensure that your app remains stable and functional throughout its development lifecycle.

Diverse Application Requirements

Manually testing an app across multiple devices, operating systems, and browsers can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Mobile test automation can streamline the testing process for apps that are used by diverse users, ensuring compatibility across various environments.

A mobile automation testing framework can help you create and maintain tests that are easily adaptable to different devices and browsers. This flexibility allows you to quickly update your tests on new devices and operating systems

Does your app have repetitive features?

There are often reusable features in multiple apps where the same or similar test automation can be applied. For example, consider an app that requires user registration based on age, with the subsequent page varying according to the user’s input. By utilizing a mobile automation testing tool to run tests and modify the age inputs, different screens can be generated, effectively testing the registration page flow.

In such scenarios, automated testing can efficiently cover a wide range of user cases, while manual testing might prove to be laborious and time-consuming. By automating these repetitive tasks, testers can allocate more time and effort to complex test cases and other crucial aspects of the application, ultimately enhancing the testing process and software quality.


Implementing mobile automation testing can significantly improve the overall testing process. However, the tool you choose also impacts the results. Using mobile automation testing also increases efficiency, allowing your app to be tested anywhere at any time. Tools that have integration with AI based capabilities can further enhance the outcomes, ensuring your mobile app’s success in the market.

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