MBA Writing Guide In 2023: 8 Expert Tips to Write a Winning MBA Essay


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Having excellent writing skills is the initial step toward producing an appealing and top-notch MBA application essay. However, that is not enough to create a compelling paper. As the number of students applying for MBA programs increases, so does the competition for top universities; it becomes extremely difficult to stand out from other applicants unless you put in more effort when making applications. Since you’re not the only person applying with a strong test score and writing skills, you should increase your chances of being selected by writing a flawless essay. So, how can you go about that? Read this review to learn more.

Guidelines to Help You Write a Good MBA Essay

Like a personal statement, the main aim of producing a top-notch essay is to help the interviewing panel gauge your suitability for an MBA scholarship. So, you should not shy off from showing and explaining who you are and your capabilities. Here are three must-read guidelines to help you produce a perfect application:

  1.   Stick to the right length. MBA essay writing rules state that a standard application paper should have a word limit of approximately 900 words. So, you should fit the content within this limit. 
  2.   The secret to writing a good MBA essay is preparing yourself with enough background information about yourself and being as truthful as possible. No matter how much you want to impress the admissions committee, you should write a paper that’s your true reflection.
  3.   Ask yourself if the essay can help individuals know you better. So, while writing the paper, try to establish if it talks about you or someone else. A good MBA admissions essay should provide adequate information about you. Therefore, you must focus on yourself to avoid creating another version of your resume.

Writing an exceptional MBA essay can never be daunting if you seek professional help from online websites like essay writing services CustomWritings; this essay helper has competent academic writers who know what it takes to produce a perfect paper. So, if you want custom MBA essay writing services, choosing this service for writing your papers is one of the best decisions you will ever make.

8 MBA Essay Writing Tips to Help You Get the Application to Your Preferred Business School

  • Have a Plan

Writing a winning MBA essay requires an artistic approach to help you develop ideas, frame them based on your experiences, and communicate your goals and visions. Therefore, drafting a plan before writing your essay is an excellent way to ensure you produce a standard paper. The first step in your plan should be brainstorming the essay’s requirements, which helps you understand what you must write about. Subsequently, you should prepare an outline, draft your points, write, and edit your work, eliminating what’s unnecessary to meet the required standards.

  • Stick to the right format

MBA essays have a specific format comprising the introduction, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Apart from this five-paragraph format, you can follow the “STAR”, a popular approach for writing high-standard MBA application essays. The abbreviation stands for:

S- Situation 

T- Task

A- Action

R- Result

Following this style can help you write a distinct MBA essay. 

  • Be Authentic

Authenticity in your MBA essays defines how genuine you are in your expressions, noting the personal urge to grab your audience’s interest without faking your intentions. Authenticity provides a clear depiction of your ambitions and visions without exaggeration. Furthermore, it helps the admission committee understand your approach to meeting your goals and objectives in your career. Therefore, by being authentic, you paint a clear picture of yourself without faking any info that may jeopardize your chances of securing admission to a top-rated university.

  • Discuss how the MBA program you are applying for aligns with your career goals

MBA essay writing aims to show your qualifications and how the degree can help you achieve your career goals. Therefore, you should clearly define your aspirations and explain how you will benefit from the program. Apart from enabling you to have realistic expectations, the approach will help you show and communicate how you can contribute to the university.

  • Avoid Ambiguous words

Great communication entails using precise words when expressing yourself. So, when writing MBA essays, you should avoid complicating your vocabulary in an attempt to prove the perfection of grammar since this approach may lower your chances of getting admission. Complex grammar and vocabulary make it hard for your audience to read and understand what you want to express and affect their attention span by making them lose interest in your essay.

  • Emphasize your academic achievements

Students who get admission to top universities are known for their exceptional academic calendar achievements and strong backgrounds. Therefore, candidates applying for MBA admissions should highlight their capabilities and how they can apply problem-solving skills and other analytical abilities to the MBA program.

  • Ensure your essay is simple and accurate

Simplicity ensures appreciation, making a bold statement that you understand who you are and can accurately express yourself without any difficulties. Therefore, you should make your essay as simple as possible, articulating every idea that describes your personality and strengths.

However, while trying to be simple, always ensure you provide accurate answers and explanations throughout the paper. While simplicity in your writing gives your audience an easy time reading the essay, accuracy captures their attention to details and makes them appreciate how you express yourself.

  • Proofread your essay

After completing your essays, you should proofread them before submission; this is a fundamental process that helps you submit exceptional papers. While proofreading your essay, you not only have the chance to make corrections to obvious grammatical errors but also ensure you align your thoughts and ideas to capture your readers’ attention. Furthermore, the step helps to cultivate a sense of ownership, shows your authenticity, and helps promote self-confidence in your expressions. Therefore, throughout the process of writing an MBA essay, having a plan promises success, but proofreading guarantees quality materials, thus increasing your odds of getting admission.

Why Is It Important to Write a Great MBA Essay?

Writing a great MBA essay is an effective approach to increasing the chances of getting admission into the business school of your choice. Furthermore, it demonstrates your motivations and strengths, thus convincing the panelists that you deserve a chance in the institution where you are applying. Students with a low GPA score can prove their competence and qualifications by producing a well-written MBA essay. So, no matter how gifted you are academically, you should learn to write an appealing paper to meet the MBA admissions committee’s expectations.

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