Is It Possible to Combine a Healthy Lifestyle and the Pleasures of Life: Top 3 Celebrity Examples 


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Healthy lifestyle is a fashionable trend in recent years. No matter who you listen to, everyone is actively practicing yoga, following a gluten-free diet, posting photos of jogging on social media and cringing at the sight of sweets. On the one hand, it isn’t bad at all because the fashion for cigarettes, alcohol, and a bohemian way of life is much more destructive. On the other hand, many people have complexes when healthy lifestyle gurus talk about their habits, diet and physical activity. There is a feeling that in order to have a beautiful figure and good health it’s necessary to give up everything “human”: delicious food, favorite vacation, joyful new slots on unusual topics, and habits that have already become part of you.

In fact, in any movement there are fanatics and perfectionists, and there are those who prefer moderation. Many of the health adepts actually get a high from eating boiled breast and lettuce and running 10 kilometers every day. Still, most people want simple human pleasures: a favorite dessert, a glass of wine, and a chance to lie on the couch in front of the TV.

Among the recognized stars and beauties there are many who believe that the main thing – to live for pleasure and in harmony with themselves. The experience of these women can tell someone how to combine this with a healthy lifestyle.

Monica Bellucci

This Italian has become the ideal of femininity for millennials, and even now she remains the most beautiful woman in the world for many. Monica has never had model parameters (although she worked as a model), it is difficult to imagine her on a treadmill, but to this day the actress maintains a beautiful well-proportioned figure.

In numerous interviews, Bellucci admits that she, like most Italians, is a hedonist – she likes to eat good food and have fun with her friends. Exhausting diet is not about her, however, the actress tries to eat small portions, giving preference to fish, meat and fresh vegetables. 

Monica said that the sport is engaged “in the mood” and only those that she likes – swimming, kickboxing and capoeira. In the life of Bellucci there is yoga, but, according to the actress, daily exercise – not her option, although after 40 she has become more disciplined. The diva considers her secret to be mental balance and enjoyment of life.

Heidi Klum

This long-legged blonde is one of the most successful models of her time and mother of four children. She remains perfectly slim and weighs less than 60 kg at a height of 176 cm.

Heidi’s German pedantry plays its part: develop a plan and stick to it clearly.

The model adheres to a diet that consists of several stages, differing in the severity of restrictions. In the first stage, all “harmful” products are excluded: potatoes, baked goods, sweets, pasta, alcohol, dairy products and even fruits. This is relevant when you need to get into an ideal shape quickly. But after achieving the result, the indulgence mode is switched on, when you can afford a moderate amount of “forbidden” delicacies. Klum admits that sometimes she can eat fast food.

Fitness and running are what she enjoys, so she is engaged in them every day. Her secret is discipline and the ability to stop in time.

Sophie Marceau

One of the most popular French actresses is a recognized European beauty. She does not hide her wrinkles, but she wears tight dresses on red carpets – her figure allows her!

The French, like the Italians, do not imagine their life without wine and good food. Marceau doesn’t deny herself gastronomic pleasures, but she prefers not to overeat. The actress has long ago given up meat, but she is not indifferent to chocolate. In Sophie’s diet, there is almost no bread and sweets, she begins the morning with cereal or yogurt, in the evening she prefers fish with salad.

Marceau is naturally graceful and trim, she is indifferent to sports in general, but she tries to move more and do regular exercises.

Her secret is acceptance of herself and an easy attitude towards life.

The Bottom Line

Healthy habits are a good thing because they make you feel awake, balanced and cheerful. Whereas unhealthy habits – such as lack of sleep – breed dissatisfaction, irritability and moping. After all, the health of the body and the health of the spirit are firmly connected.

Choose physical activity, which you like. Some people like jogging and trainers, some like swimming, some like yoga. It’s important that the workout is not an act of violence against yourself but also gives you an emotional boost.

Decide what healthy foods you like and make them the basis of your diet. Determine which unhealthy products you can’t eat, and use them rarely and in small quantities.

Love and appreciate every moment of your life, do not curse yourself over nothing and do not engage in self-loathing. A beautiful woman is the one who is in love with herself in a good way.

A healthy lifestyle is not about calories, it’s about loving yourself!

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