Back on Track: What to Expect During Rehab After a Drug Relapse


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Relapsing on drugs can be a discouraging setback in your recovery journey, but it is essential to remember that it is not a failure. If you have recently relapsed on drugs, you are not alone. Recovery is a journey that can be challenging, and setbacks are a normal part of the process. Unfortunately, this sometimes means that you end up falling down a few times before you can get up for good. Fortunately, rehab is available to help you get back on track and regain control of your life. In this blog post, we will discuss what to expect during rehab after you relapse on drugs, including the following:

Admittance and Assessment

When you enter rehab after a relapse, you will go through an intake process to assess your current needs and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you. This process may include a medical evaluation, a psychiatric evaluation, a drug and alcohol screening, and a discussion of your treatment history. This assessment will help your medical team determine the best course of action for getting you clean and on the road to recovery.

Detoxification From Drugs

After admittance, you may need to go through a detoxification process to rid your body of any remaining drugs or alcohol. This process can be physically and emotionally challenging, but it is essential to prepare you for the next steps of your recovery. You will receive medical support and medication-assisted treatment to manage your withdrawal symptoms and ensure your safety and comfort during this process. Detox is one of the hardest physical parts of recovery, but once you get through it, you can start the hard process of developing new habits and walking out your sobriety.

Individual and Group Therapy

Individual and group therapy sessions are crucial components of rehab after a relapse. You will work with a therapist to identify the underlying causes of your relapse, develop coping skills and tools, and explore ways to prevent future relapses. You may also participate in group therapy sessions where you can connect with others who understand your struggles and receive support from peers who are on the same journey.

Holistic Therapies

Rehab after a relapse may also involve holistic therapies such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy. These therapies can help you manage stress, promote self-awareness, and improve your overall well-being. You may also receive acupuncture, massage therapy, or other complementary treatments to support your physical and emotional healing while you attend a treatment program.

Education and Relapse Prevention Strategies

Education is an essential part of rehab after a relapse. You will learn about the disease of addiction, how it affects your brain and body, and how to manage triggers and cravings. You will also receive relapse prevention strategies, such as developing a support network, creating a plan to handle high-risk situations, and setting realistic goals for your recovery.

Aftercare and Continuing Care

After completing rehab, you will need to continue to take care of yourself and work on your recovery. Aftercare may involve attending 12-step meetings, continuing therapy, participating in support groups, and practicing self-care strategies. Your treatment team will help you determine a good course of action to support your ongoing sobriety and recovery.

Heroin Addiction: Special Considerations

Heroin addiction is a severe and potentially life-threatening disease that requires specialized care. If you are struggling with heroin addiction and have relapsed, rehab is a critical step in your recovery journey. Heroin relapse treatment will include medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to manage your withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. MAT combines medication with therapy and support services to help you achieve and maintain abstinence from heroin.

Additionally, you may need to undergo a longer and more intensive treatment program due to the severity of heroin addiction. This may include residential treatment, where you live at the rehab facility, or an intensive outpatient program, where you receive daily treatment but return home at night. Your treatment team will work with you to determine the most appropriate level of care for your needs.


Seeking help through rehab after a relapse can provide you with the support and tools you need to get back on track and achieve lasting recovery. If you are struggling with heroin addiction, specialized care may be necessary to help you achieve and maintain sobriety. Remember, recovery is a journey, and with the right help and support, you can overcome addiction and live a fulfilling life.

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